The Very First Episode!

November 09, 2020

In the first episode of Foodie Buddies, Kelly and Scott introduce themselves, and talk about their motivations for starting the podcast. It's a bit of a glimpse into who the hosts are, and how the show is likely gonna go. True to their silly nature, the highlight of the episode is probably when Scott plays "Guess What's In Kelly's Takeout Containers" (he doesn't do well). After playing the game, the discussion turns into a bit of reminiscing about food-related things that make the hosts proud.


0:40Kelly talks about how she and Scott became buddies
1:46High-level food philosophies
6:40Games that are going to be played on the podcast
16:24Scott tries to guess what's in Kelly's taco takeout containers
27:28Food things that make the hosts proud
29:30Friendsgiving memories and hosting people for meals